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This library contains 6 instruments and 175 articulations:
Glisses Spread
Glisses Spread
Longs - Bowed
Longs - Damped
Longs - Normale
(4 rr)
Longs - 8ve Trems
Longs - Trems
Metamorphasis Warps
Swelling Tail - Trems
Cat Is Out Of The Bag - Trems
Melancholy Dreams
Great Wobble - Trems
Gentle Drops
Distortion Faery - Trems
Voice of Alien
Crystal Rain
Tumbleweeds Delay - Trems
Crazy Harp Pig - Trems
007 Harp
Ringmod Fun
Harpelicious - Trems
Ghostly Beauty
Flippin Hell - Trems
We Got The Funk
Dark Hole
Turner Arounder - Trems
Crisp Attack - Trems
Alone In the Dark
Space Wobble
Melancholy Dreams - Trems
Gentle Drops - Trems
Distorted Mess
Voice of Alien - Trems
Crystal Rain - Trems
Swelling Tail
Cat Is Out Of The Bag
007 Harp - Trems
Ringmod Fun - Trems
Great Wobble
Ghostly Beauty - Trems
Distortion Faery
We Got The Funk - Trems
Dark Hole - Trems
Tumbleweeds Delay
Crazy Harp Pig
Alone In the Dark - Trems
Space Wobble - Trems
Goldfingers - Trems
Flippin Hell
Distorted Mess - Trems
Turner Arounder
Crisp Attack
Nympha Pedals
Warped Trems
Pog Bloom
Large Bloom
Slow Fast Trems
Pitched Lo-Fi
Envelope Delay
Bloom Pad (volume pedal)
Trem Scrapes
Pog Bloom - 8ve Trems Slow
Kemper Cathedral
Cathedral Twinkle
Sharp Pad
Manipulated Pog
Envelope Delay Gated
Big Sky Trems
Super Slow Trems
Pog Bloom - 8ve Trems Fast
Huge Bloom
Bloom Pad
Super Quiet
Super Quiet
(2 rr)
The Cocoonase
Distorted Warmth - Trems
Organ Harmonics - Trems
Twinkles in the Sky - Trems
Detuned Tails
Low Digital Pad
Suspense Builder
Ceramic Plate Spin - Trem
Lake Normale - Trems
Space Bow - Trem
Building Space
Harp Sustainer
Sink Gurgle
Aquatic Hug - Trems
Harp at Bathtime - Trems
Reverse Angel Bow - Trems
Wonderous Reveal - Trems
Going Down
Quite Odd
Wet Bells
Edges of Noise - Trems
Organic Slow Sine - Trems
Underwater Bypass - Trems
Digital Waves
Low Octave Resonance
The Tables Have Turned
Contemporary Post Drone - Trems
Late Riser - Trems
Sub Current Swells - Trems
Cathedral Lift
Increasing Darkness
Slapback Strings
Bowed Voices - Trems
Harp Saw - Trems
Scraped Ambience - Trems
Wrap Around - Trems
Hail Mary
Quite Slowly
Width Wobbler
Glittered Whispers - Trems
Passing Scream - Trems
Voices in Waves - Trems
Disillusioned Choir
Mystical Lake
TV 60s Lasers
Detuned Tails - Trems
Low Digital Pad - Trems
Suspense Builder - Trems
Cavernous Body
Jehovah Witness This
Slow Filler
Building Space - Trems
Harp Sustainer - Trems
Sink Gurgle - Trems
A Frozen Pluck
Harmonious Resonance
Witness This
Going Down - Trems
Quite Odd - Trems
Wet Bells - Trems
Distorted Warmth
Organ Harmonics
Twinkles in the Sky
Digital Waves - Trems
Low Octave Resonance - Trems
The Tables Have Turned - Trems
Ceramic Plate Spin
Lake Normale
Space Bow
Cathedral Lift - Trems
Increasing Darkness - Trems
Slapback Strings - Trems
Aquatic Hug
Harp at Bathtime
Reverse Angel Bow
Wonderous Reveal
Hail Mary - Trems
Quite Slowly - Trems
Width Wobbler - Trems
Edges of Noise
Organic Slow Sine
Underwater Bypass
Disillusioned Choir - Trems
Mystical Lake - Trems
TV 60s Lasers - Trems
Contemporary Post Drone
Late Riser
Sub Current Swells
Cavernous Body - Trems
Jehovah Witness This - Trems
Slow Filler - Trems
Bowed Voices
Harp Saw
Scraped Ambience
Wrap Around
A Frozen Pluck - Trems
Harmonious Resonance - Trems
Repeteted - Trems
Witness This - Trems
Glittered Whispers
Passing Scream
Voices in Waves