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BML Horns Vol 1
This library contains 2 instruments and 22 articulations:
Horn Solo
Legato (Slurred)
(2 rr)
(4 rr)
(4 rr)
(8 rr)
Horns a2
Legato (Slurred)
Legato (Detached)
(2 rr)
Long Cuivre
(2 rr)
Long Stopped
(2 rr)
(4 rr)
(4 rr)
(8 rr)
Long Flutter
Trill (Minor 2nd)
Trill (Major 2nd)
(2 rr)
(2 rr)
Bells up Long
(2 rr)
Bells up Quaver
(4 rr)
Bells up Stac.
(4 rr)
1st April 2014
BML Horns Vol 1
Alt mics
BML Horns Vol 1
Alt mics
v1.1 has been released
Extra stats:
New patches
Easy transposing/tuning layerering to build larger ensembles
Tightness slider added to short articulations
Release control added to long articulations
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Hard attack added to the longs and bells up longs (2xrr)
Added new Albion II HornEuph overlay
Added new BML Low Brass overlays
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blahblah.com)
Marcatos and Tenutos can now be released before the end of the note
Holding shift and selecting articulations (or pressing multiple KS) allows you to layer
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Advanced articulation switching (Hold CTRL/CMD and click an articulation icon)
a2 Legato articulations split and can be customised completely (defaults to velocity)
Legato tweaked to match latest BML standards
Long dynamics tweaked to match latest BML standards
Short Velocity mapping tweaked to match latest BML standards
Various artics now provide smoother transitions between dynamics
Cuivre now has it's own icon on the UI stanza
Flutter f dynamic start point on lowest zones tweaked
Start points for all shorts redone
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Trill start point affected by velocity now works
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Stereo Modeller and CC11 expression now working on all articulations
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1st April 2014
BML Horns Vol 1
Stereo mixes
BML Horns Vol 1
Stereo mixes
v1.1 has been released
Extra stats:
New patches
Easy transposing/tuning layerering to build larger ensembles
Tightness slider added to short articulations
Release control added to long articulations
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Hard attack added to the longs and bells up longs (2xrr)
Added new Albion II HornEuph overlay
Added new BML Low Brass overlays
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blahblah.com)
Marcatos and Tenutos can now be released before the end of the note
Holding shift and selecting articulations (or pressing multiple KS) allows you to layer
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Advanced articulation switching (Hold CTRL/CMD and click an articulation icon)
a2 Legato articulations split and can be customised completely (defaults to velocity)
Legato tweaked to match latest BML standards
Long dynamics tweaked to match latest BML standards
Short Velocity mapping tweaked to match latest BML standards
Various artics now provide smoother transitions between dynamics
Cuivre now has it's own icon on the UI stanza
Flutter f dynamic start point on lowest zones tweaked
Start points for all shorts redone
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Trill start point affected by velocity now works
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Stereo Modeller and CC11 expression now working on all articulations
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1st March 2014
BML Horns Vol 1
BML Horns Vol 1 was
to v1.1
Extra stats:
New patches
Easy transposing/tuning layerering to build larger ensembles
Tightness slider added to short articulations
Release control added to long articulations
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Hard attack added to the longs and bells up longs (2xrr)
Added new Albion II HornEuph overlay
Added new BML Low Brass overlays
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blahblah.com)
Marcatos and Tenutos can now be released before the end of the note
Holding shift and selecting articulations (or pressing multiple KS) allows you to layer
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Advanced articulation switching (Hold CTRL/CMD and click an articulation icon)
a2 Legato articulations split and can be customised completely (defaults to velocity)
Legato tweaked to match latest BML standards
Long dynamics tweaked to match latest BML standards
Short Velocity mapping tweaked to match latest BML standards
Various artics now provide smoother transitions between dynamics
Cuivre now has it's own icon on the UI stanza
Flutter f dynamic start point on lowest zones tweaked
Start points for all shorts redone
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Trill start point affected by velocity now works
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Stereo Modeller and CC11 expression now working on all articulations
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders