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Orchestral Grand
This library contains 1 instruments and 2 articulations:
Spitfire Orchestral Grand
(4 rr)
(4 rr)
1st April 2014
Orchestral Grand
Orchestral Grand was
significantly updated
to v2.0
Extra stats:
New patches
New script
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Harp updated to use UACC v2 (see http://spitfire-webassets.s3.amazonaws.com/pdfs/UACCv2spec.pdf for details)
When in UACC mode, the UACC CC# is shown for reference
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations via velocity
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Performance improvements under the hood.
Completely reprogrammed dynamics and release logic
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
6th April 2012
Orchestral Grand
Orchestral Grand was
to v1.01
Extra stats:
New script
Pedal issues