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Version 2.4
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Main release
(13th March 2018
2.4 (March 2018)
Moved to the latest BML codebase
Restructured the instruments folder slightly
Tightness slider added to front panel to control shorts tightness
Time Machine patches for the percussion
Individual patches for the Redux Ensembles
New Lock KS mode 'Program change' to change articulation via MIDI program change commands
Version is now shown on the UI for reference
Various issues with blue key range
Panning issue with Cello legato
Presets menu now functions correctly
Optimisations to improve general performance
Articulation switcher no longer layers multiple legato interval types
2.1 (September 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Various range issues in orchestral content
Incorrect Round Robin in the CB mics for String Lo Shorts fixed.
Mic names in Underbass synth
Performance improvements under the hood.
2.0 (February 2013)
New 'Combined' patches to merge Lo/Hi sections instead of cumbersome MULTIS
New 'Overlay' patches to easily blend Albion with Loegria/Iceni/Sable/Solo Strings
New 'The Cog' patches to tweak the instrument on a granular level to your preference
Highly configurable articulation mapping (assign and group articulations to notes, CCs, velocities and MIDI channels)
Customisable CC can be used to quickly change articulation (defaults to CC32)
ADSR control added to the Stephenson patches
Route a microphone's output by clicking the mic title
Holding alt when dragging a mic slider prevents purge/unpurge
New 'Start Offset' patches to control sample start offset on tree/ambient/outrigger mics
Hard attack now available on Long articulation
UACC support to a majority of the articulation types
Brings the latest functionality from Spitfire's Instruments including:
The latest version of Spitfire's Ostinatum machine (configurable keyswitches, multiple tracks, etc.)
Byron loops now use the Loop Browser as featured in Albion III
Various bug fixes and tweaks.
FX sequencer now working properly again
1.1 (January 2013)
30 NEW Cue Starter Synth patches
New 'The Cog' patches to tweak the instrument on a granular level to your preference
New bipolar Time machine mode - 'Stretch' allows you to slow down as well as speed up shorts
Automation Parameters now mapped for both MIDI and Host automation
Route a microphone's output by clicking the mic title
Ability to toggle two-handed mode within percussion instruments
New graphics for the buttons and sliders
All controls should now have mouse-over help
Loop menus now preview the currently playing loop name. Also fixed to work with note transpose.
Loop patches make it more obvious that you need to select a loop to tempo sync.
Holding alt when dragging a mic slider prevents purge/unpurge
ADSR control added to the Stephenson patches
Highly configurable articulation mapping (assign and group articulations to notes, CCs, velocities and MIDI channels)
Customisable CC can be used to quickly change articulation (defaults to CC32)
Various articulation renames for consistency with previous Albion range. All now included in preset menu settings
The latest version of Spitfire's Ostinatum machine (configurable keyswitches, multiple tracks, etc.)
Strings Lo - Jump in the CC dynamics fixed.
CC controls parameters now named properly after the CC slider dragged to it
Synth patches now K5 encoded and will work in Kontakt Player
Various bug fixes and tweaks.
1.0 (December 2012)
Initial release
Version 1.0.1
Alternative Solo Strings
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Main release
(23rd February 2018)
1.0.1 (February 2018)
Mic Positions correct for the Cello.
All Instruments now sit central.
Missing file for Artisan Violin fixed.
Reverb does not click when enabling and disabling.
Cello Sul Tasto doesn’t click on C1.
Mapping error fixed in Bass Long Sul Pont Dist.
Viola spiccato errors fixed.
1.0 (February 2018)
Initial release!
Version 5.0.2
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Main release
(12th February 2018)
5.0.2 (February 2018)
Tam Tam loop points
Bass drum loop points
Bongo loop points
UI labels corrected
Various script issues and hotfixes moved into main branch
5.0 (March 2015)
New recordings for glockenspiel rolls
New recordings for glockenspiel hard sticks
New recordings for marimba rolls
New recordings for vibraphone rolls
New 'Muted Roll' articulation for timpani that provides a muted decay to the roll
Instrument 'all in ones' to combine sections of the orchestra into easy-to-map patches
'Premade ensembles' pull together commonly used instrument ensembles
Built in help system to get you started with the new Kickstart system
Moved to the Kickstart codebase to allow greater mapping customisation
Swells and FX release can now be controlled via the 'Releases' slider
Mixer presets - copy, paste, load and save mixer presets between instruments and patches
Various roll releases adjusted to be slightly less noticeable
New option to access instruments rolls by pressing the 'Hit' technique at velocity 127
4.2 (October 2012)
Updated velocity curves for a smooth transition between dynamics
New config cog above the mic levels to configure pan/width of the close mic
Bass Drum: New 'soft mallet' articulation that emulates a softer mallet bonk
New 'Timpani hits & rolls' patch that combines the rolls and hits into one. Play 127 velocity for a roll.
Tambourines looped roll now added to play at any length
Temple block hits KS reversed to match soft stick KS (legacy articulation included for compatibility)
Various RR reset keyswitches overlapping playing keys
Guiro has a Close sample in the Tree group
Snare releases not working in Snare All
Wind Gong swells no longer show incorrect mappings
Crotales RR issue
Vibe sus phasing
Snare 1 tree samples contained ambient
Velocity curve option defaults to off
CPU usage reduced
4.0 (October 2012)
New unified UI to match the latest Spitfire releases
'Persistent releases'. Release triggers no longer fade out when moving the mod wheel
Stereo Collapse for the close mic functionality
Per articulation mixing ability
Moves the Albion series to the 'BML' codebase with all its latest features and functionality
New 'Rhythm Matrix' to programme your own grooves and loops
Latest UACC specification implemented
3.0 (November 2011)
Most patches updated for smoother dynamics (excludes 'all' patches)
Triangle added to library - two beaters, closed and 4 open lengths
Timpani mismatched samples fix E1 F1
Other tweaks and improvements
2.0 (August 2011)
Vibes sustain now has release triggers and a superb scripted synced tremolo simulator.
We have also created “ALL” patches for BD, Snares, Cyms, Toys, Metals.
Switching off a mic mix position now unloads samples to save memory.
1.5 (September 2010)
'All' patches with all mics that can be purged
Vibes motor patch with release triggers
1.0 (August 2010)
Initial release
Version 1.0.1
Olafur Arnalds Composer Toolkit
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Main release
(7th February 2018)
1.0.1 (February 2018)
Various hotfixes
1.0 (January 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Olafur Arnalds Chamber Evolutions
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Main release
(22nd January 2018)
1.0 (January 2018)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.4
Hans Zimmer Piano
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Main release
(11th January 2018
1.0.4 (January 2018)
Various issues
1.0.2 (March 2016)
'Spot A-D' mics now correct in micset patches
'Room' corrected to MidC in individual signals patch
Various small fixes
1.0.1 (January 2016)
'Various FX' patches now have CC automation preprogrammed
TC Room pop fix (also implemented fixes in other patches just in case it was occuring per-system)
RTs respond to CC11 correctly in Super Soft patch
Mic presets now play correctly when copy/paste/load/saving presets
1.0 (December 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.5
Albion ONE
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Main release
(15th December 2017)
1.5 (December 2017)
NKS compatible!
New Stephensons content and presets
New Brunel loops content and presets
New Darwin Percussion JJ mixes
New Combi orchestra patches
New Easter Island X drums
UI revamped for NKS graphics
Patch names updated for NKS compatability
Various bug fixes and tweaks
1.2 (October 2015)
New presets added for Brunel
Fixed issue with various Percussion samples
Albion ONE v1.1 says 1.0 on the GUI
Low Woods long sample issue.
eDNA MIDI glitch
Albion ONE Brunel Loops Construction Kits loading errors
1.1 (October 2015)
Albion ONE Strings Low 8ves shorts bad RR
Albion ONE Woods High UACC conflict
Albion ONE Strings Patch overlapping notes
Organic Brunel Loops - Spread - No sound on load
Easter Island Hits only plays at high velocities
Percussion Patches missing 'Help' text
1.0 (October 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.2
PP005 Inder Percussion
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Main release
(15th December 2017)
1.2 (December 2017)
Various Fixes
1.1 (August 2017)
Various Fixes
1.2 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (January 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.0.2
London Contemporary Orchestral Strings
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Main release
(15th December 2017)
1.0.2 (December 2017)
Various issues
1.0.1 (October 2017)
Various issues
1.0 (February 2017)
Initial release!
Version 1.01
Albion V Tundra
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Main release
(30th November 2017)
1.01 (November 2017)
Various fixes
1.0 (October 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.1
Symphonic Woodwinds
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Main release
(30th November 2017)
1.0.1 (November 2017)
Various hotfixes
1.0 (December 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.2
Plucked Piano
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Main release
(29th November 2017)
1.2 (November 2017)
Various issues
1.1 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (September 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
Orchestral Swarm
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Main release
(26th October 2017)
1.0 (October 2017)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Hans Zimmer Percussion Professional
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Main release
(5th October 2017)
1.0 (October 2017)
Initial release!
Version 1.2
Symphonic Brass
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Main mics
(29th September 2017)
(15th December 2017)
1.2 (September 2017)
Latest BML Codebase
Various tweaks for Expansion pack
1.1 (November 2016)
Programming issue with performance legato RTs double-playing (loud)
1.1 (November 2016)
Fixed loud RTs on performance legatos under certain circumstances
1.0 (September 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Hans Zimmer Percussion
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Main release
(27th September 2017)
1.0 (September 2017)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.3
HZ Percussion 03
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Main release
(26th September 2017)
1.0.3 (September 2017)
Various issues
1.0 (October 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.1
Bernard Herrmann
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Main release
(2nd August 2017)
1.0.1 (August 2017)
Various hotfixes
1.0 (June 2017)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.5
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Main release
(12th July 2017)
1.0.5 (July 2017)
Various issues
1.0.5 (July 2017)
Various issues
Version 1.0.1
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Main release
(12th April 2017)
1.0.1 (April 2017)
Various issues
1.0 (January 2017)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.3
Symphonic Strings
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Main mics
(3rd March 2017)
(3rd March 2017)
1.0.3 (March 2017)
Various hotfixes
1.0.2 (November 2016)
Various hotfixes
1.0 (November 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.1
BML Reeds Vol 1
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Main mics
(9th December 2016)
Stereo mixes
(9th December 2016)
Alt mixes
(9th December 2016)
1.0.1 (December 2016)
Various fixes and updates to latest BML code
1.01 (July 2014)
Incorrect (untuned) Clarinet Solo samples corrected
1.0 (July 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0.1
BML Additional Flutes
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Main mics
(8th December 2016
Stereo mixes
(8th December 2016
Alt mics
(8th December 2016
1.0.1 (December 2016)
Moves to the latest Sandbox 2 engine / latest BML Code base
Start points and tuning for shorts redone
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Cuivre has been split from long technique due to timbral differences
BML Bones: Tenor a2 & Bass a2 - Legato (Slurred) UACC CC# Value
Eb1 RR1 in Bass Bones pitch is sharp
C#3 RR1 in Tenor Bones pitch is sharp
1.0 (December 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.2
BML Low Winds Vol 1
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Main mics
(8th December 2016)
Alt mics
(8th December 2016)
Stereo mixes
(8th December 2016)
1.2 (December 2016)
Various fixes and updates to latest BML code
1.0.1 (August 2014)
Loop points corrected on Bass Clarinet
1.0 (August 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.1
Chamber Strings
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Main mics
(29th September 2016)
(6th October 2016)
1.1 (September 2016)
Performance Legato patches added
Various fixes
1.0 (July 2016)
Performance Legato patches added
Various fixes
Version 1.0
North 7 Vintage Keys
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Main release
(18th August 2016)
1.0 (August 2016)
Initial release
Version 1.0
Ricotti Mallets
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Main release
(4th August 2016)
1.0 (August 2016)
Initial release
Version 1.1
Sacconi String Quartet Vol 2
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Main release
(13th July 2016
1.1 (July 2016)
V2 legato updated
Va legato updated
1.0 (January 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.1
Sacconi String Quartet Vol 1
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Main release
(12th July 2016
1.1 (July 2016)
V1 legato updated
VC legato updated
1.01 (December 2015)
Fixed slightly loud close-mic staccato in Playable patch
1.0 (December 2015)
Initial release!
1.0 (December 2015)
Initial release!
1.0 (December 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.1
Sacconi String Quartet
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Main release
(8th July 2016)
1.1 (July 2016)
V1 legato updated
VC legato updated
1.0 (June 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Union Organ
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Main release
(7th July 2016)
1.0 (July 2016)
Initial release
Version 1.1
BML Trumpets Vol 1
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Main mics
(27th June 2016)
Alt mics
(27th June 2016)
Stereo mixes
(27th June 2016)
1.1 (June 2016)
Alt and Stereo signals added
Easy mixer control
Moved to the latest Sandbox BML code
Various programming updates
Moved to UACC v2 standard
Various bug fixes
1.01 (May 2014)
Trumpets a2 core palette has been updated to address the Long Mute capability matrix and Fall/Rip velocity issues. Note that the patch will still show the version as 1.0 on the front panel.
1.0 (May 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Glass and Steel
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Main release
(23rd June 2016
1.0 (June 2016)
Initial release
Version 1.0
Steel Drums
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Main release
(26th May 2016
1.0 (May 2016)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP025 Evo Grid 003 Strings in Motion
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Main release
(5th May 2016
1.0 (May 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Joey Santiago
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Main release
(17th March 2016
1.0 (March 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Marimba Swarm
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Main release
(18th February 2016
1.0 (February 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Leo Enigma 2
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Main release
(16th February 2016
1.0 (February 2016)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
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Main release
(18th December 2015
1.0 (December 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Olafur Arnalds Evolutions
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Main release
(13th December 2015
1.0 (December 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Harp Swarm
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Main release
(18th October 2015
1.0 (October 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
PP018 DC Noisemaker
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Main release
(22nd September 2015
1.0 (September 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
PP025 Evo Grid 004 Woodwinds
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Main release
(3rd September 2015
1.0 (September 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.5
BML Mural Vol 2
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Main mics
(21st August 2015
Alt mics
(21st August 2015
Stereo mixes
(21st August 2015
1.5 (August 2015)
Mural Vol1 and 2 moved to same codebase as Sable 1.5
Cubase expression maps available for all articulations
Extra dynamics recorded for Col Legno
Extra dynamics recorded for Harmonics
Initial release of Mural volume 3
Various UACC2 issues
Lots of issues to do with blue key ranges and FX keys
1.2 (March 2015)
Mural Vol1 and 2 moved to same codebase
Overlap on _Individual patches_ file names between volumes
Violin 1 Trill (Minor 2nd ) has incorrect UACC
Violins 1 and 2, Violas, Celli and Basses may crash when editing groups in Long patches
Violin 2 release triggers cause popping under certain situations
Violin 2 Col Legno are mapped an octave too high
Violin 2 Longs do not include Leader mics
Violin 2 TM patch issues
Viola Fingered Legato has issues with a couple of notes during Minor 7th, Major 7th and Octave intervals
Violas, Celli and Basses Combination Legato types all labelled as Fingered
Celli Core Palette - Release trigger for C2 p dynamics does not function correctly
CB (vol1+2) and V2 (vol2) TM2 patches do not function correctly.
CB TM patch issues
1.0 (May 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
Mural Symphonic Evolutions
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Main release
(20th August 2015
1.0.1 (August 2015)
Modwheel mapping is now correct for Grid and Individual patches
1.0 (August 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.5
BML Mural Vol 1
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Main mics
(20th August 2015
Alt mics
(20th August 2015
Stereo mixes
(20th August 2015
1.5 (August 2015)
Mural Vol1 and 2 moved to same codebase as Sable 1.5
Cubase expression maps available for all articulations
Extra dynamics recorded for Col Legno
Extra dynamics recorded for Harmonics
Initial release of Mural volume 3
Various UACC2 issues
Lots of issues to do with blue key ranges and FX keys
1.2 (March 2015)
Mural Vol1 and 2 moved to same codebase
Overlap on _Individual patches_ file names between volumes
Violin 1 Trill (Minor 2nd ) has incorrect UACC
Violins 1 and 2, Violas, Celli and Basses may crash when editing groups in Long patches
Violin 2 release triggers cause popping under certain situations
Violin 2 Col Legno are mapped an octave too high
Violin 2 Longs do not include Leader mics
Violin 2 TM patch issues
Viola Fingered Legato has issues with a couple of notes during Minor 7th, Major 7th and Octave intervals
Violas, Celli and Basses Combination Legato types all labelled as Fingered
Celli Core Palette - Release trigger for C2 p dynamics does not function correctly
CB (vol1+2) and V2 (vol2) TM2 patches do not function correctly.
CB TM patch issues
1.1 (May 2014)
Shared Keyswitches for easy integration with volume 2
UACC Keyswitches for easy integration with volume 2
Capability Matrix to show you what an articulation is capable of at a glance
New palette layout to match Sable and allow for volume 2 integration
Light palette for quickly getting up and running
Legato (Fingered) programming optimised
Moved to the latest Sandbox/BML Code base
Presets do not work correctly
Various UACC2 issues
V2 longs and legato nv looping issues (A3, G3 and more)
Round robin for Pizzicato cannot be safely modified.
Mural 1 Violins 1: Noise on legato patch on G#4 and A4
Sustain pedal does not work
1.02 (April 2014)
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations via velocity
Performance improvements under the hood.
UACC mismapping corrected
Release pedal now working (except for legato; just not supported)
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.01 (February 2014)
Ostinatum issues
1.0 (January 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.5
BML Mural Vol 3
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Main mics
(20th August 2015
Alt mics
(20th August 2015
Stereo mixes
(20th August 2015
1.5 (August 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
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Main release
(31st July 2015
1.0 (July 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.1.1
BML Bones Vol 1
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Main mics
(24th July 2015)
Alt mics
(24th July 2015)
Stereo mixes
(24th July 2015)
1.1.1 (July 2015)
Stereo mix and Alt mic bonus signals released
Moves to the latest Sandbox 2 engine / latest BML Code base
Start points and tuning for shorts redone
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Cuivre has been split from long technique due to timbral differences
BML Bones: Tenor a2 & Bass a2 - Legato (Slurred) UACC CC# Value
Eb1 RR1 in Bass Bones pitch is sharp
C#3 RR1 in Tenor Bones pitch is sharp
1.0 (March 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.0
BML Phalanx Trombone
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Main mics
(17th July 2015
Alt mics
(17th July 2015
Stereo mixes
(17th July 2015
1.0 (July 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
BML Phalanx Trumpet
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Main mics
(11th June 2015
Alt mics
(11th June 2015
Stereo mixes
(11th June 2015
1.0 (June 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.1.2
PP017 Evo Grid 001 Strings
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Main release
(4th June 2015)
1.1.2 (June 2015)
Variation now moved from CC1 to CC2,
Tape Saturation controls now work correctly,
Fixed incorrectly named b - and c - patches in their respective folders,
1.1 (April 2015)
Evos re-ordered and split into three categories - Simple, Tense and Scary.
Ability to randomise based on the categories mentioned above.
Mod wheel allows evolution of sound.
New mix 'Close' added to main mics. Fullmix moved to legacy
1.0 (February 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.5
BML Sable Vol 3
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Main mics
(28th May 2015
Stereo mixes
(24th November 2014
Alt mics
(24th November 2014
1.5 (May 2015)
New UI to match 'Chamber Strings' rebranding
Moved to the latest BML codebase
New UI that aims to be more intuitive with less clutter (simpler simple mode)
Active articulation(s) are now highlighted rather than being inactive faded
Latest UACC specification implemented
New 'Simple mixer' to quickly switch from close to far perspectives (hold alt to prevent purging)
Ability to switch articulations via Program Changes
Full sable combo patches tweaked (V1 Vol1+3, V2 Vol 2+3+4, Va Vol 2+3+4, VC Vol 1+3)
Same-note legato available on full Sable combo patch per instrument
New articulation - Violin 1 Legato Con Sord
New articulation - Violin 1 Legato Con Sord Portamento
New articulation - Violin 1 Legato Flautando
New articulation - Violin 1 Legato Flautando Portamento (High)
New articulation - Violin 1 Legato Sul Pont
New articulation - Violin 2 Legato Con Sord
New articulation - Violin 2 Legato Con Sord Portamento
New articulation - Violin 2 Legato Flautando
New articulation - Violin 2 Legato Sul Pont
New articulation - Viola Legato Con Sord
New articulation - Viola Legato Con Sord Portamento
New articulation - Viola Legato Flautando
New articulation - Viola Legato Sul Pont
New articulation - Cello Legato Con Sord
New articulation - Cello Legato Con Sord Portamento
New articulation - Cello Legato Flautando
New articulation - Cello Legato Sul Pont
Various bug fixes too numerous to list
1.2.2 (November 2014)
Moves to the latest BML Code base
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
All mics now standardised on the same version
1.2 (May 2014)
Patches reorganised to allow better overall integration consisting of Core, Decorative and Legato palettes
'Combination' palettes bring together all volumes. Legato/Longs with Molto Vib, Palettes with all techniques.
'Light' palette containing common techniques to get started with the sections quickly
'Capability Matrix' displayed on patches to show their vibrato, dynamics and other available options.
New 'Shared keyswitches' that allow multiple loaded patches (Core, Decorative, etc.) to share keyswitches.
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations on the UACC2 specification via velocity
New 'articulation switcher' with ability to switch playing styles by speed (legato type based on playing speed)
Holding ALT and pressing a keyswitch icon toggles whether or not its articulation switcher shortcut is active or not.
Ability to layer articulations by selecting them with the shift key held or pressing multiple keyswitches simultaneously.
Celli articulation 'Short CS' added
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 1 and Cello Staccato
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 2 Spiccato
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 2 Sul Pont
'Fast', 'Run' and 'Tremolo' legato techniques to Violins 2 and Violas
'Tightness' slider added to short articulations to allow subtle tweaking of the sample start point.
Release control added to long articulations to allow for longer releases
Easy transposing/tuning layerering on the UI to build larger ensembles
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Marcato attacks triggered within sustain patches when playing at a hard velocity
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blake.so/blog/?10)
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Ability to copy, paste, load and save mixer presets between patches
Velocity curve can now be configured to various presets to match the user's keyboard
'Diminuendo decay releases' added to legato to simulate the room ambience when moving down the mod wheel quickly
Version now displayed on the front end to make it easier to know if you're up to date
'Speed' and 'Portamento' are now separate controls. Portamento not affected by current legato speed and defaults to CC20
Spiccato and Staccato velocity tables tweaked to be more responsive
Start points on spiccatos, staccatos, pizzicatos, bartoks, col legnos, etc. tweaked
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Legato split into separate keyswitches and reprogrammed to integrate with one another better
Various staccatos and longer shorts now have the option to release before the sample ends with Timed or Untimed RTs.
Techniques should now match each other more closely in terms of volumes and dynamics
'Per Articulation Mixing' now applies to mic outputs. Route each articulation to a custom output to process them individually
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
'CC mapped vel.' now corresponds to the CC mapped to the 'Dynamics' slider instead of purely CC1
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
'Presets...' menu now functions correctly and purges the correct articulations
Issue where 'Purge unused' being turned off resulted in purged groups still making a sound
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Too many other little bugs and issues to list!
1.0 (July 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP017 Evo Grid 002 Strings
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Main release
(29th April 2015
1.0 (April 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.1
eDNA 01 Earth
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Main release
(28th April 2015
1.1 (April 2015)
Kontakt Database included to allow easy searching by timbre, instrument & genre
Faster options for the oscillator
Ability to scale oscillator directions using the smaller sliders to its left/right
Users can now pick the oscillator envelope shape
New Wheelspin cartridge available
Star rating system added to allow users to rate sounds 1-5
IR browser now selected IRs correctly
1.0 (September 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
eDNA 08 Kinematik
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Main release
(28th April 2015
1.0 (April 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
BML Mural Ensembles
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Main release
(1st April 2015
1.0 (April 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
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Main release
(1st April 2015
1.0 (April 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.5
PP004 Simcock Felt Piano
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Main release
(26th March 2015)
1.5 (March 2015)
Two new patches with reprogrammed velocity-responses to improve playability - Natural and Dynamic.
Assets typical to the latest Spitfire releases
Continuous pedal controller issue.
Legacy patches moved to _Legacy patches_ folder to retain previous functionality.
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features and performance tweaks
1.5 (March 2015)
2 new patches with reprogrammed velocity-responses to improve playability - Natural & Dynamic.
Assets typical to the latest Spitfire releases
Continuous pedal controller issue.
Legacy patches moved to _Legacy patches_ folder to retain previous functionality.
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features and performance tweaks
1.2 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (December 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.1
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Main release
(26th March 2015)
1.1 (March 2015)
New content and sounds
1.1 (March 2015)
New content and sounds
1.0 (November 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP019 Andy Findon Kit Bag 2
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Main release
(13th March 2015
1.0 (March 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.2
BML Flutes
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Main mics
(9th February 2015)
Stereo mixes
(9th February 2015
Alt mics
(9th February 2015
1.2 (February 2015)
Moved to the Palette system used by BML Sable and Trumpets
Capability matrix to show the dynamics and vibrato options available
Tuning pass on the shorts, longs and decorative patches
Shared keyswitching to allow keyswitching over multiple patches
Various UACC issues addressed
Various notation icons and articulation names fixed
Minor bug fixes throughout the product
Multitongue now uses 'Variation' (CC19) to switch between double/triple/quad
1.1 (April 2014)
Release slider to control the length of the release
Tightness slider to control short note tightness (sample offset)
Releases for all active articulations now play when layered
Added new BML Mural overlay
Added new Solo Strings overlay
UACC v2 support (see spec at http://blahblah.com)
Holding ALT while dragging Stereo Collapser now affects all mics
Shorts Velocity mapping tweaked to match latest BML standards
Releases for all active articulations now play when layered
Legato Flutes a2 (Detached/Slurred) legato ranges
Mic outputs now assign properly
Mic presets menu now works correctly again
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.02 (February 2014)
Ostinatum Issues
Keyswitch issues
1.01 (December 2013)
Mic output issue
1.0 (December 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP016 Artisan Violin
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Main release
(25th January 2015)
1.0 (January 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
PP015 Artisan Cello
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Main release
(24th January 2015)
1.0 (January 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
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Main release
(23rd January 2015)
1.0 (January 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
The Grange
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Main release
(22nd January 2015)
1.0 (January 2015)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
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Main release
(19th December 2014
1.0 (December 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.1
BML Low Reeds Vol 1
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Main mics
(11th December 2014
Alt mics
(12th May 2015)
Stereo mixes
(12th May 2015)
1.1 (December 2014)
Bursts of noise were present in a couple of samples on certain mics
1.0 (November 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.1
HZ Percussion 02
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Main release
(5th December 2014
1.1 (December 2014)
Sample and channel output issues with AM/Stereo Cathedral drums addressed
G# hihat sample changed from open & close to half open in Cathedral performance kit
Kickstart beta patches for Cathedral drums
New orchestral instruments
1.0 (June 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.1.2
BML Low Brass
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Main mics
(27th November 2014
Alt mics
(27th November 2014
Stereo mixes
(27th November 2014
1.1.2 (November 2014)
Samples pointing at the wrong NKX
1.1 (April 2014)
Easy transposing/tuning layerering to build larger ensembles
Short tightness slider added to front panel
Release control added to longs
Added new BML Horn & BML Trombone overlays
UACC v2 support (see spec at http://blahblah.com)
Holding shift and selecting articulations (or pressing multiple KS) allows you to layer
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Advanced articulation switching (Hold CTRL/CMD and click an articulation icon)
Various naming changes for more consistency with the BML range
Start points for all shorts tweaked
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases)
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (October 2013)
Initial release
Version 5.2.2
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Main release
(27th November 2014
5.2.2 (November 2014)
Ostinatum presets were missing from download (new customers only)
Redux content was missing from download (new customers only)
5.2.1 (September 2014)
New method for 'time machine' patches that preserves room whilst allowing control over note length
FX added to time machine patches (control run speed or FX length)
Time machine patches for Ensemble shorts have been added
Time machine patches now share articulation mapping with main patches (rest notes for unused artics)
Tweaked start offset in Ensemble String shorts to fix double notes and timing
Tweaked start offset in String Hi Ostinatum shorts to fix timing
Performance improvements under the hood
Moved to the latest BML codebase
5.1 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Speed slider now working correctly in Legato articulations
Tuning on non-tree mics on Woodwinds ensembles
Fixed loop points on Ensemble patches
Voice limits on releases
Neighbouring Round Robin now works correctly
FX now working on Brunel patches.
Ostinatum presets now renamed so that they'll expand on PC
Performance improvements under the hood.
5.0 (August 2013)
New Brunel Loops content
New Stephenson Steam band content
New Darwin Percussion content
New Albion Orchestra content
New unified UI to match the latest Spitfire releases
Individual NKIs for every section and articulation
BML Sable Volume 2 overlays
BML Horns Volume 1 overlays
'Persistent releases'. Release triggers no longer fade out when moving the mod wheel
'fp Hall trigger'. When moving from fp to lower dynamics (in select articulations) the hall reverb is retained
Round Robin layering to thicken the texture
Marcatos (and leisurely staccatos) can now be released early with an RT
Stereo Collapse for the close mic functionality
Per articulation mixing ability
Moves the Albion series to the 'BML' codebase with all its latest features and functionality
Latest version of the FX sequencer and Ostinatum machine
Latest UACC specification implemented
Dynamics & Expression
4.2 (May 2013)
FX sequencer now working properly again
Ostinatum no longer has issues in two-handed percussion mode
Tweaks to the starting times of Strings Hi shorts
Neighbouring zones now pitch bend correcly
Various bugfixes across the entire range
New 'Start Offset' patches to control sample start offset on tree/ambient/outrigger mics
Hard attack now available on Long articulation
UACC support to a majority of the articulation types
4.0 (February 2013)
Various bugfixes across the entire range
Unified patches to bring all articulations of an instrument into a single NKI with keyswitching
New 'Combined' patches to merge Lo/Hi sections instead of cumbersome MULTIS
New 'Time Machine' patches to stretch/squash the short samples time-wise.
New 'Overlay' patches to easily blend Albion with Loegria/Iceni/Sable/Solo Strings
New 'The Cog' patches to tweak the instrument on a granular level to your preference
The latest version of Spitfire's Ostinatum machine (configurable keyswitches, multiple tracks, etc.)
Highly configurable articulation mapping (assign and group articulations to notes, CCs, velocities and MIDI channels)
Customisable CC can be used to quickly change articulation (defaults to CC32)
Expression control added to all patches
ADSR control added to the Stephenson/Brunel patches
Route a microphone's output by clicking the mic title
Improved Round Robin rese
3.0 (June 2012)
Fixed RR turned off option
Inactive keys are now black rather than white
All patches (even FX) now have transpose effect on visual keyboard
New, more flexible, multitrack ostinatum machine
Experimental simulated Round Robin legato support
Rejigged the UI around a bit to fit new things on
TM versions of all shorts patches with latest scripting/programming
When moving volumes to zero, tracks are automatically purge/deactivated.
When moving volumes above zero, tracks are automatically loaded/deactivated.
CC22-25 now control volume. CC1 controls dynamics, CC21 controls vibrato
Info pane on the left shows information (ost. values, status, etc.)
2.0 (March 2012)
V1V2 and VC Ostinatum patches rebuilt for tightness and more consistent sound
Brass Hi Longs rebuilt for tighter tuning
Brass Hi Shorts rebuilt for tighter tuning and timing
Various bug fixes
Solo Mic option removed – CMD/CTRL clicking a mic position now solos that mic
Sample start offset option functionality for all short patches
Load/Save ability added to ostinatum
Transpose typo on the main panel fixed
Transpose offset of blue keys is now shown in the Kontakt visual keyboard
RR reset now overlays the blue notes and is always visible
RR reset no longer affects sustain/legato patches
Ostinatum remembers the articulation type keyswitch
1.01 (August 2011)
1.0 (July 2011)
Initial release
Version 1.2.2
BML Sable Vol 4
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Main mics
(25th November 2014
Alt mics
(25th November 2014
Stereo mixes
(25th November 2014
1.2.2 (November 2014)
Moves to the latest BML Code base
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
All mics now standardised on the same version
1.2 (May 2014)
'Combination' palettes that bring together all the volumes. Legato/Longs with Molto Vib, Palettes with all techniques, etc.
Release triggers working correctly on non-legato longs
Sul Tasto layers corrected so that RR play individually
Molto Vib longs start criteria fixed so releases play correctly
1.0 (April 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.2.2
BML Sable Vol 2
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Main mics
(22nd November 2014
Alt mics
(22nd November 2014
Stereo mixes
(22nd November 2014
Surround mixes
(17th August 2013)
1.2.2 (November 2014)
Moves to the latest BML Code base
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
All mics now standardised on the same version
1.2 (May 2014)
Patches reorganised to allow better overall integration consisting of Core, Decorative and Legato palettes
'Combination' palettes bring together all volumes. Legato/Longs with Molto Vib, Palettes with all techniques.
'Light' palette containing common techniques to get started with the sections quickly
'Capability Matrix' displayed on patches to show their vibrato, dynamics and other available options.
New 'Shared keyswitches' that allow multiple loaded patches (Core, Decorative, etc.) to share keyswitches.
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations on the UACC2 specification via velocity
New 'articulation switcher' with ability to switch playing styles by speed (legato type based on playing speed)
Holding ALT and pressing a keyswitch icon toggles whether or not its articulation switcher shortcut is active or not.
Ability to layer articulations by selecting them with the shift key held or pressing multiple keyswitches simultaneously.
Celli articulation 'Short CS' added
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 1 and Cello Staccato
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 2 Spiccato
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 2 Sul Pont
'Fast', 'Run' and 'Tremolo' legato techniques to Violins 2 and Violas
'Tightness' slider added to short articulations to allow subtle tweaking of the sample start point.
Release control added to long articulations to allow for longer releases
Easy transposing/tuning layerering on the UI to build larger ensembles
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Marcato attacks triggered within sustain patches when playing at a hard velocity
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blake.so/blog/?10)
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Ability to copy, paste, load and save mixer presets between patches
Velocity curve can now be configured to various presets to match the user's keyboard
'Diminuendo decay releases' added to legato to simulate the room ambience when moving down the mod wheel quickly
Version now displayed on the front end to make it easier to know if you're up to date
'Speed' and 'Portamento' are now separate controls. Portamento not affected by current legato speed and defaults to CC20
Spiccato and Staccato velocity tables tweaked to be more responsive
Start points on spiccatos, staccatos, pizzicatos, bartoks, col legnos, etc. tweaked
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Legato split into separate keyswitches and reprogrammed to integrate with one another better
Various staccatos and longer shorts now have the option to release before the sample ends with Timed or Untimed RTs.
Techniques should now match each other more closely in terms of volumes and dynamics
'Per Articulation Mixing' now applies to mic outputs. Route each articulation to a custom output to process them individually
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
'CC mapped vel.' now corresponds to the CC mapped to the 'Dynamics' slider instead of purely CC1
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
'Presets...' menu now functions correctly and purges the correct articulations
Issue where 'Purge unused' being turned off resulted in purged groups still making a sound
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Too many other little bugs and issues to list!
1.0 (April 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.2.2
BML Sable Vol 1
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Main mics
(21st November 2014
Alt mics
(21st November 2014
Stereo mixes
(21st November 2014
Surround mixes
(21st November 2014
1.2.2 (November 2014)
Moves to the latest BML Code base
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
All mics now standardised on the same version
1.2.1 (September 2014)
Moves to the Sandbox 2.15 engine / latest BML Code base
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
Vibrato slider is missing from Celli Core Combination UI
Legato (Runs) in Celli Legato Performance patch does not make any sound
Sustain pedal does not sustain notes
Bass legato has no UACC value
Viola Fingered legato has no UACC
CB Harmonics has incorrect UACC
cB Fingered Legato has no UACC code assigned
Tremolo Legato is missing from VC Legato Performance palette
FX slides play p and f dynamics together.
VC Tense longs are not looped and V2 Va CB Tense longs at incorrect pitch
Harsher Tremolo Legato attacks
VC Disco falls contain V1 Disco fall samples
CB Long Flautando F1-F#1 has an artifact in the release sample.
Sable Celli 150bpm trems issue with CC1
Volume issues with Viola flautandos
V1 Time Machine patch not working
Dog bark string swipe in CB Flautando G#1 sample
Va Molto Vibrato Outriggers missing the group criteria rule to switch between long and short RTs
1.2 (May 2014)
Patches reorganised to allow better overall integration consisting of Core, Decorative and Legato palettes
'Combination' palettes bring together all volumes. Legato/Longs with Molto Vib, Palettes with all techniques.
'Light' palette containing common techniques to get started with the sections quickly
'Capability Matrix' displayed on patches to show their vibrato, dynamics and other available options.
New 'Shared keyswitches' that allow multiple loaded patches (Core, Decorative, etc.) to share keyswitches.
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations on the UACC2 specification via velocity
New 'articulation switcher' with ability to switch playing styles by speed (legato type based on playing speed)
Holding ALT and pressing a keyswitch icon toggles whether or not its articulation switcher shortcut is active or not.
Ability to layer articulations by selecting them with the shift key held or pressing multiple keyswitches simultaneously.
Celli articulation 'Short CS' added
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 1 and Cello Staccato
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 2 Spiccato
Added new recordings of extra dynamic layers to Violins 2 Sul Pont
'Fast', 'Run' and 'Tremolo' legato techniques to Violins 2 and Violas
'Tightness' slider added to short articulations to allow subtle tweaking of the sample start point.
Release control added to long articulations to allow for longer releases
Easy transposing/tuning layerering on the UI to build larger ensembles
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Marcato attacks triggered within sustain patches when playing at a hard velocity
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blake.so/blog/?10)
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Ability to copy, paste, load and save mixer presets between patches
Velocity curve can now be configured to various presets to match the user's keyboard
'Diminuendo decay releases' added to legato to simulate the room ambience when moving down the mod wheel quickly
Version now displayed on the front end to make it easier to know if you're up to date
'Speed' and 'Portamento' are now separate controls. Portamento not affected by current legato speed and defaults to CC20
Spiccato and Staccato velocity tables tweaked to be more responsive
Start points on spiccatos, staccatos, pizzicatos, bartoks, col legnos, etc. tweaked
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Legato split into separate keyswitches and reprogrammed to integrate with one another better
Various staccatos and longer shorts now have the option to release before the sample ends with Timed or Untimed RTs.
Techniques should now match each other more closely in terms of volumes and dynamics
'Per Articulation Mixing' now applies to mic outputs. Route each articulation to a custom output to process them individually
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
'CC mapped vel.' now corresponds to the CC mapped to the 'Dynamics' slider instead of purely CC1
Various Performance improvements under the hood.
'Presets...' menu now functions correctly and purges the correct articulations
Issue where 'Purge unused' being turned off resulted in purged groups still making a sound
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Too many other little bugs and issues to list!
1.1 (April 2013)
Legato type keyswitches can now be assigned to CC63 for notation applications
Legato patch tweaks (intervals/releases/etc.)
Only the most commonly used articulations loaded by default - use purge buttons to load others.
Rearranged mic orders to make more sense (generally goes closer to more ambient, left to right)
Legato CC11/21 assignments fixed
Legato expression slider fixed
Legato type purging issue fixed
Each mic set now has unique CCs to control levels (CC22-25 for CTAO, 26-28 for Alt, 29-31 for Mix)
Stereo collapser added to Close Ribbon mic
COG keyswitch/RR reset/legato type making weird sound issue fixed
Insert FXs no longer bypassed automatically on patch load
Voice limits for individual patches increased
1.0 (February 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
BML Phalanx Horn
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Main mics
(18th November 2014
Alt mics
(18th November 2014
Stereo mixes
(18th November 2014
1.0 (November 2014)
Initial release!
Version 3.2.2
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Main release
(13th October 2014
3.2.2 (October 2014)
_Individual patches_ now work correctly in Kontakt Player,
Missing _info.nkx now provided,
Voice limit extended on nonorchestral content to 128/256
Speed slider removed from orchestral percussive patches
3.2.1 (September 2014)
NKR is now included. Oops!
3.2 (September 2014)
New method for 'time machine' patches that preserves room whilst allowing control over note length
FX added to time machine patches (control run speed or FX length)
Time machine patches for Ensemble shorts have been added
Time machine patches now share articulation mapping with main patches (rest notes for unused artics)
Performance improvements under the hood
Moved to the latest BML codebase
3.1 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Smooth 5 Reversal not responding to audition slider/CC
Pizzicato articulation has 'CC controlled velocity' in Individual, Time machine and Cog patches
Byron loops do not play if switched via keyswitches
Click in Hi Strings Tremolo B3 release note
Performance improvements under the hood.
3.0 (October 2013)
New Stephenson Steam band content
New Darwin Percussion content
New Albion Orchestra content
New unified UI to match the latest Spitfire releases
'Persistent releases'. Release triggers no longer fade out when moving the mod wheel
'fp Hall trigger'. When moving from fp to lower dynamics (in select articulations) the hall reverb is retained
Round Robin layering to thicken the texture
Round Robin layering to thicken the texture
Marcatos (and leisurely staccatos) can now be released early with an RT
Stereo Collapse for the close mic functionality
Per articulation mixing ability
Moves the Albion series to the 'BML' codebase with all its latest features and functionality
Latest version of the FX sequencer and Ostinatum machine
Latest UACC specification implemented
Dynamics & Expression now do not conflict when assigning CC1/CC11 to sliders
Various bug fixes and performance tweaks.
2.0 (February 2013)
New 'Combined' patches to merge Lo/Hi sections instead of cumbersome MULTIS
New 'Overlay' patches to easily blend Albion with Loegria/Iceni/Sable/Solo Strings
New 'The Cog' patches to tweak the instrument on a granular level to your preference
Highly configurable articulation mapping (assign and group articulations to notes, CCs, velocities and MIDI channels)
Customisable CC can be used to quickly change articulation (defaults to CC32)
ADSR control added to the Stephenson patches
Route a microphone's output by clicking the mic title
Holding alt when dragging a mic slider prevents purge/unpurge
New 'Start Offset' patches to control sample start offset on tree/ambient/outrigger mics
Hard attack now available on Long articulation
UACC support to a majority of the articulation types
Brings the latest functionality from Spitfire's Instruments including:
The latest version of Spitfire's Ostinatum machine (configurable keyswitches, multiple tracks, etc.)
Byron loops now use the Loop Browser as featured in Albion III
Various bug fixes and tweaks.
FX sequencer now working properly again
1.11 (November 2012)
1.1 (October 2012)
Support in all patches for polyphonic legato sequencing using velocity splitting.
Ability to move the articulation keyswitches around by dragging the slider underneath the articulation name
Time Machine patches for the shorts of every instrument in '_Time Machine patches_' folder (user the 'Time M' slider in the UI)
Extended legato range for Strings Hi Legato/Half Legato.
String sustains and legato articulations have a stronger attack when using high velocity (in polylegato mode the Speed slider controls this).
'Enable keyswitch control' allows you to toggle Ostinatum mode with configurable keyswitches
'Enable keyswitch soloing' allows you to solo specific Ostinatum patterns via configurable keyswitches
'Mute this pattern' available in pattern config to mute/unmute specific patterns.
Major Sandbox Engine optimisations to improve performance on low end machines.
Ostinatum no longer has issues in two-handed percussion mode
Tweaks to the starting times of Strings Hi shorts
Neighbouring zones now pitch bend correcly
1.0 (August 2012)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP013 Peter Gregson Electric Cellist
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Main release
(18th September 2014
1.0 (September 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
PP012 Euphone
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Main release
(1st August 2014
1.0 (August 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
BML Sable Ensembles
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Main release
(13th June 2014
1.0 (June 2014)
Initial release!
Version 1.0
PP010 Rare Groove Electric Piano
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Main release
(4th June 2014
1.0 (June 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP011 Electrophone
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Main release
(4th June 2014
1.0 (June 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.0
Martyn Ware No Illegal Collections
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Main release
(29th May 2014
1.0 (May 2014)
Initial release!
Version 2.0
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Main release
(30th April 2014)
2.01 (April 2014)
Instruments now point to correct locations
Harposphere samples added to download
2.0 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple stops at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main (and TM) patches
When in UACC mode, the UACC CC# is shown for reference
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations via velocity
New Chordospheres Mercury Synth sound design patches
Moves the Harpsichord to the 'BML' codebase with all its latest features and functionality
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Latest version of the Ostinatum machine
Performance improvements under the hood.
Dynamics & Expression now do not conflict when assigning CC1/CC11 to sliders
Various bug fixes and performance tweaks
1.0 (April 2012)
Initial release
Version 1.21
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Main release
(8th April 2014)
1.21 (April 2014)
Missing sample dialog
Pedal latching set up the wrong way on main patch
1.2 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Individual patches now added to allow custom mapping
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.01 (January 2013)
Pedal issues
1.0 (January 2013)
Initial release
Version 2.2
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
2.2 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Harp updated to use UACC v2 (see http://spitfire-webassets.s3.amazonaws.com/pdfs/UACCv2spec.pdf for details)
When in UACC mode, the UACC CC# is shown for reference
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations via velocity
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Performance improvements under the hood.
FX patch in "_Individual Brushes_" now has correct blue key mapping
Ostinatum now available in the main patches for all the short articulations
Harp pedalling no longer affects keyswitching/RR resets/etc.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
2.0 (July 2013)
New unified UI to match the latest Spitfire releases
Round Robin layering to thicken the texture
Stereo Collapse for the close mic functionality
Per articulation mixing ability
A New Articulation - 'Slid' notes - specifically recorded and designed for glissando building, but also a great new playable sound in its own right!
Pedalling Options - you can now set the harp pedals graphically and then play the white notes - makes playing glisses easy!
Fully Tweaked - for smoother dynamic response.
Moves the Albion series to the 'BML' codebase with all its latest features and functionality
Latest version of the FX sequencer and Ostinatum machine
Latest UACC specification implemented
1.1 (March 2011)
Occasional issue with missing attacks in the close mics.
1.0 (March 2011)
Initial release
Version 2.0
Orchestral Grand
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
2.0 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Harp updated to use UACC v2 (see http://spitfire-webassets.s3.amazonaws.com/pdfs/UACCv2spec.pdf for details)
When in UACC mode, the UACC CC# is shown for reference
UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations via velocity
Keyswitches moved to the bottom of the keyboard and made consistent in each section
Performance improvements under the hood.
Completely reprogrammed dynamics and release logic
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.01 (April 2012)
Pedal issues
1.0 (April 2012)
Initial release
Version 1.1
PP002 Kitchenware
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
1.1 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (November 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.2
PP003 Marimba
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
1.2 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
COG is now part of the main patches
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (November 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.1
PP006 Glockenspiel
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
1.1 (April 2014)
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (February 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.1
PP008 Andy Findon Kit Bag
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
1.1 (April 2014)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.02 (February 2014)
Knock on Chinese Bamboo Flute issues. That damn Chinese flute!
1.01 (February 2014)
Chinese Bamboo Flute issues
1.0 (February 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.1
PP007 Crotales
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Main release
(1st April 2014)
1.1 (April 2014)
Moved to the latest BML codebase with all its advances/features
Performance improvements under the hood.
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (February 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.1
BML Horns Vol 1
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Main mics
(1st March 2014)
Stereo mixes
(1st April 2014)
Alt mics
(1st April 2014)
1.1 (March 2014)
Easy transposing/tuning layerering to build larger ensembles
Tightness slider added to short articulations
Release control added to long articulations
Persistent RTs with no decay when mod wheel is moved
The COG punch now available in all patches (Dedicated patch remains for sample start offset)
Hard attack added to the longs and bells up longs (2xrr)
Added new Albion II HornEuph overlay
Added new BML Low Brass overlays
UACC moved to v2 (see new spec at http://blahblah.com)
Marcatos and Tenutos can now be released before the end of the note
Holding shift and selecting articulations (or pressing multiple KS) allows you to layer
New 'Simple' panel view on startup
Advanced articulation switching (Hold CTRL/CMD and click an articulation icon)
a2 Legato articulations split and can be customised completely (defaults to velocity)
Legato tweaked to match latest BML standards
Long dynamics tweaked to match latest BML standards
Short Velocity mapping tweaked to match latest BML standards
Various artics now provide smoother transitions between dynamics
Cuivre now has it's own icon on the UI stanza
Flutter f dynamic start point on lowest zones tweaked
Start points for all shorts redone
Envelopes and releases tweaked
Optimised releases to save polyphony and reduce streaming
Moves to the Sandbox 2.0 engine / latest BML Code base
Articulation Stanza made a little easier to see
Trill start point affected by velocity now works
Various issues received through Zendesk addressed
Various Sandbox issues (Ostinatum machine, Releases, KS shimmier, etc.)
Stereo Modeller and CC11 expression now working on all articulations
Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear
Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders
1.0 (June 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
Scraped Percussion
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Main release
(14th January 2014)
1.0 (January 2014)
Initial release
Version 1.12
HZ Percussion 01
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Artist elements
(14th January 2014)
Stereo mixes
(14th January 2014)
Add. mics
(16th January 2014)
SL stereo mix
(23rd June 2014)
JXL mix
(19th November 2014)
Surround mixes
(3rd January 2017)
1.12 (January 2014)
Custom keyswitch overlay issue
1.11 (December 2013)
Mic output issue
1.1 (December 2013)
New Mic Mixer presets functionality. Copy/Paste mic settings between open patches or save them as NKA presets.
Velocity response option to the mixer menu (switch between linear, shelf, exponential and logarithmic).
New 'All in one' mega patches containing all HZ01 drums for the relevant artist (CPU performance may differ for each user).
Mic set (Artist name) now shown above the mixer on the front panel.
New articulation switcher system from the latest BML codebase.
Ability to select and layer multiple instruments at once by holding SHIFT when clicking the instrument icon.
Issues with stereo collapse. Stereo settings should recall correctly on all patches now.
Performance improvements under the hood.
1.0 (November 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
PP001 Pylons
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Main release
(20th November 2013)
1.0 (November 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.0
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Main release
(18th April 2013)
1.0 (April 2013)
Initial release
Version 1.21
Solo Strings
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Main release
(31st October 2012
1.21 (October 2012)
If you don't wiggle the Vibrato slider, sometimes you don't hear the Release Triggers on the Solo Violin.
1.2 (May 2012)
Latest version of the Ostinatum machine
Viola patch reprogrammed with new samples
Various fixes and optimisations
1.1 (November 2011)
Various fixes for Ostinatum and notes
BPD vibrato patches
1.01 (November 2011)
Issue with shorts
1.0 (November 2011)
Initial release